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Welcome to

Fifty 1 Student Ministries
Our youth group meets on Sunday nights from 5:15 - 7:00 p.m. in the Teen Room in the Annex. High-energy games and activities accompany a Bible lesson. In addition to this, the youth group takes regular trips to retreats, concerts, and other events, as well as participates in a monthly service project.
January 26 - Care Package Christian Service - Meet at the church at 4:30. Bring $10 to go shopping. Afterwards regular club meeting.​​​​
Feb. 8 - Community Teen Event - 5 - 7:30 p.m. Join us for food, games, and a worship message.
Feb. 9 - Super Bowl Party at Debbie Kim Jones' house. Bring a dish to share.
Feb. 15 - Winter Jam in Greensboro - More information coming.
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